We are Volunteers
Wogen Children and Mothers Support Association Seattle Chapter (WCMSAS) is a non profit organization incorporated in state of Washington. WCMSAS is established to support the mission of promoting access to safe, adequate and clean water, sanitation, healthcare and education to hard up and remote communities. WCMSAS recently include assistance of jobless youth in its to do list. As a non profit organization, no part of the earnings or benefits will be distributed among the members or trustee officers or other private individuals or entities. Hundred percent of the fund raised will be spent on projects. WCMSAS is not affiliated to any religion, race or ethnic group or political party. Hence WCMSAS does not discriminate based on gender, race, religion or political belief or national origin.
Households live distant from each other. On the average the water sources are two miles far from each household
Supply clean and adequate water for the needy; one well a year will make life betterAt
Maintain sanitation of water sources
Teach the community to protect their water wells